Map-Reduce Architecture on Intel Galileo

Map-Reduce Architecture on Intel Galileo

The basic idea of this blog is to document the implementation of a Map-Reduce framework on a Grid Computing architecture. The architecture will be implemented on a set of Intel Galileo Gen 2 protoyping boards. One result of this work will be a distributed system, with heterogeneous nodes geographically dispersed.

The Bachelor Thesis is co-tutored by Prof. Dr. Ralf Seepold (HTWG Konstanz - Germany, UC-Lab) and Prof. Dr. Juan Antonio Ortega (Universidad de Sevilla - Spain, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenería Informática). The thesis is executed during an ERASMUS+ stay at the University of Seville, Campus Reina Mercedes, Sevilla, Spain. 

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Hadoop cluster running on Intel Galileo Gen 2

This my first post in the UC-Lab Blog. I am studying at the University of Applied Sciences Hochschule Konstanz (HTWG) in Germany and I am writing my bachelor thesis within the Ubiquitous Computing Laboratory in cooperation with the University of Seville (ERASMUS program). My objective is to develop a Grid based system for data mining using Map-Reduce. In this blog I will docuIment my process of my bachelor thesis.

Here you can find more information about this and other projects of the UC-Lab:


The system has to run on the Intel Galileo Gen 2 board ( Because of the limited resources of the boards, this is going to be one of the main aspects I have to focus on.

Figure 2 shows the setup of the four boards I develop on. 



Figure 1: Setup of the Intel Galileo Gen 2 boards


The Map-Reduce (MR) programming model with the Apache Hadoop framework is one of the most well-known and usually most common models. Specifically, it supports a simple programming model so that the end-user programmer only has to write the Map-Reduce tasks. However, Hadoop itself is a name for a federation of services, like HDFS, Hive, HBase, Map-Reduce, etc. (See Figure 2: Hadoop Architecture). Apache Storm and Apache Spark are distributed realtime computation systems and can be used with some of these services.



Figure 2: Hadoop Architecture



In a first field test, we have setup a Hadoop Cluster (v2.6) on five Intel Galileodevelopment boards. Due to the minimum resources (RAM, CPU) it was not possible to run the Hadoop system in an appropriate way. After infrastructural changes (Namenode & ResouceManager had been moved to regular workstation pc), the system provides a higher performance and usability. Simple Map-Reduce jobs (e.g. WordCount) as well as jobs with a higher complexity (Recommendation system) work, even for millions of data entries, with an acceptable performance.



Apache Storm ( offers the opportunity to use it on Hadoop or to run it in a standalone mode. Storm is a real-time, streaming computational system. Storm is a online framework, meaning, in this sense, a service that interacts with a running application. In contrast to Map-Reduce, it receives small pieces of data as they are processed in your application. You define a DAG (Directed acyclic graph) of operations to perform on the data.

Storm doesn't have anything (necessarily) to do with persisting your data. Here, streaming is another way to say keeping the information you care about and throwing the rest away. In reality, you probably have a persistence layer in your application that has already recorded the data, and so this a good and justified separation of concerns.

At the moment I couldn't get Storm running on the Intel Galileo boards. The main problem is the operations system running on the boards. I used an existing Yocto image and found out, that there are some needed services missing. On the server, which is running with Debian OS, the setup was no problem. I think if I make my own Image with Yocto Project it should run on the boards too.



The third opportunity is Apache Spark ( Just like Storm, Spark offers the opportunity to use it on Hadoop or to run it in a standalone mode. 

One of the most interesting features of Spark is its smart use of memory. Map-Reduce has always worked primarily with data stored on disk. Spark, by contrast, can exploit the considerable amount of RAM that is spread across all the nodes in a cluster. It is smart about use of disk for overflow data and persistence. That gives Spark huge performance advantages for many workloads.

We were able to set up Spark over the cluster, but because of the limited RAM, we weren't able to run a job on the boards successfully. Maybe with some optimization of the use of the resources we could get it running.



My next Posts will contain a detailed tutorial how I set up the different frameworks and what is important to look out for.

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Hadoop Benchmark Test

Hadoop Benchmark Test

In this blog post I am going to show you the results of testing my Hadoop cluster (running on four Intel Galileo Gen 2 boards with 256MB RAM and a singel-core processor) and compare them to a Hadoop cluster running on four servers with 16GB RAM and a dual-core processor. I will run two different kinds of Tests. The first test is a simple word count. This is part of the Apache Hadoop distribution, so it should already be available in your cluster. For the second test I´m running the Mahout recommendation engine on different sets of movie ratings. The result is a movie recommendation for each User.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. WordCount
  3. Mahout recommendation engine


1. Prerequisites

First of all you need access to a running hadoop cluster. If you want to set up your own cluster, my earlier post might help you:

For the first test, that´s everything you need till this moment.

For my second test you need to download Mahout and extract it on your Master Node:

My cluster is running with Hadoop 2.6.0 and I installed Mahout 0.10.0.


2. WordCount

As I said, with a working hadoop cluster we have almost everything we need to run the test. I say almost, because of course we need some text files to run a word count. I recommend downloading a Wikipedia database dump. Of course you can use any other text file as well.

To run the test the first thing you have to do is to create a directory on HSDF (Hadoop Distributed File System), in which you want to store your files on the cluster. To do that, you execute this command on your Master Node:

hdfs dfs -mkdir /Dir/On/Hdfs/

Now, that we have an empty directory on our cluster, we copy our files on it. The "-copyFromLocal" command is executed recursiv, so that you can enter a hole folder with several text files.

hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /Local/Path/To/Your/Text/Files /Dir/On/Hdfs

Finally, we can run our test! As I said before, Hadoop itself as some tool you can use to test your cluster. These Tools are Part of the Apache Hadoop distribution, so they are located in your Hadoop install directory.

To run the test, execute the following command:

hadoop jar /HadoopDir/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.6.0.jar wordcount /Dir/On/Hdfs /Output/Dir/On/Hdfs


I run this Test with three different sizes (1GB, 6GB, 12GB).




(click to enlarge)


3. Mahout recommendation engine

Of course, for this test we need different files as for the word count. It is necessary, that the files contain a user-ID, item-ID and a rating. The user-ID and item-ID have to be integer values, the rating should be also an interger or a double value. The three values are seperated with a tab and each rating has to be in a new line.

So that is the Format that we need:

[user id]    [item id]    [rating]

[user id]    [item id]    [rating]




The GroupLens Movie DataSet provides the rating of movies in this format. As you can see, the largest data set contains 20 million ratings an has a size of 132MB. I wanted to test my cluster with larger files. That´s why I wrote a small java application to generate my own data sets.


import java.util.Random;

public class Main {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		try {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
	public static void writeFile1() throws IOException {
		File fout = new File("");
		FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fout);

		BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos));

		for (int userID = 0; userID  300000; userID++) {
			for (int y = 0; y  50; y++) {
				int rMovieID = new Random().nxtInt(20000);
				int rUserRating = new Random().nextInt(5);
				bw.write(userID + "t" + rMovieID + "t" + rUserRating);


	public static void writeFile2() throws IOException {
		File fout = new File("");
		FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fout);

		BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos));

		for (int userID = 0; userID  900000; userID++) {
			for (int y = 0; y  50; y++) {
				int rMovieID = new Random().nxtInt(20000);
				int rUserRating = new Random().nextnt(5);
				bw.write(userID + "t" + rMovieID + "t" + rUserRating);


	public static void writeFile3() throws IOException {
		File fout = new File("");
		FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fout);

		BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreaWriter(fos));

		for (int userID = 0; userID < 1500000; userID++) {
			for (int y = 0; y  50; y++) {
				int rMovieID = new Random().nextInt(20000);
				int rUserRating = new Random().nextInt(5);
				bw.write(userID + "t" + rMovieID + "t" + rUserRating);



This program generates three files (~200MB, ~600MB and ~1GB) where each user gives 50 movie ratings within a list of 20.000 movies. The number of users depends on the file size.


Mahout will execute several Hadoop Map-Reduce jobs. The result of this test is a recommendation of 10 movies for each user based on their own ratings.

If you have your files, you have to put those files on the hdfs the same way, as in the word count example:

Make the directory on the hdfs:

hdfs dfs -mkdir /Dir/On/Hdfs/

And copy the files from your local directory to the hdfs directory:

hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /Local/Path/To/Your/Text/Files /Dir/On/Hdfs

Now lets run the mahout job:

hadoop jar /MahoutDir/mahout-examples-0.10.0-job.jar -s SIMILARITY_COOCCURRENCE --input /Dir/On/Hdfs --output /Output/Dir/On/Hdfs


With the argument "-s SIMILARITY_COOCURRENCE", we tell the recommender which item similary formula to use. With SIMILARITY COOCURRENCE, two items(movies) are very similar if they often appear together in users' rating. So to find the movies to recommend to a user, we need to find the 10 movies most similar to the movies the user has rated. 

The output of the Test looks like this:

0       [18129:5.0,13737:5.0,8951:5.0,7213:5.0,16772:5.0,7642:5.0,4069:5.0,411:5.0,2791:5.0,16759:5.0]
1       [2059:5.0,10184:5.0,17590:5.0,2871:5.0,870:5.0,19185:5.0,1281:5.0,6392:5.0,1117:5.0,7139:5.0]
2       [11044:5.0,18414:5.0,14435:5.0,3349:5.0,17946:5.0,16225:5.0,14865:5.0,15280:5.0,10023:5.0,6906:5.0]
3       [14065:5.0,5897:5.0,4739:5.0,5667:5.0,3598:5.0,6008:5.0,4054:5.0,9527:5.0,2844:5.0,19040:5.0]
4       [623:5.0,381:5.0,12273:5.0,14361:5.0,13688:5.0,2695:5.0,16203:5.0,6254:5.0,18800:5.0,11605:4.6666665]
5       [5942:5.0,17290:5.0,2350:5.0,14588:5.0,12910:5.0,15978:5.0,5824:5.0,15934:5.0,9882:5.0,2154:5.0]
6       [19701:5.0,14598:5.0,11787:5.0,12366:5.0,16515:5.0,4657:5.0,1440:5.0,15894:5.0,7540:5.0,10954:5.0]
7       [2299:5.0,9519:5.0,989:5.0,16658:5.0,3011:5.0,13744:5.0,6464:5.0,750:5.0,1356:5.0,14518:5.0]
8       [2965:5.0,360:5.0,1719:5.0,18470:5.0,1475:5.0,6528:5.0,516:5.0,8982:5.0,10998:5.0,2161:5.0]
9       [10924:5.0,4717:5.0,6913:5.0,5931:5.0,18297:5.0,1574:5.0,6579:5.0,13359:5.0,4983:5.0,5285:5.0]
10      [3263:5.0,2423:5.0,17065:5.0,4752:5.0,8871:5.0,12535:5.0,17389:5.0,3579:5.0,19333:5.0,6204:5.0]
11      [19639:5.0,14863:5.0,18538:5.0,11561:5.0,11348:5.0,15314:5.0,1293:5.0,5260:5.0,7448:5.0,15790:5.0]
12      [412:5.0,12430:5.0,7073:5.0,19512:5.0,1864:5.0,19451:5.0,4155:5.0,2562:5.0,10372:5.0,11274:5.0]
13      [5741:5.0,4280:5.0,16453:5.0,14721:5.0,7230:5.0,360:5.0,1183:5.0,11208:5.0,4705:5.0,1845:5.0]
14      [6457:5.0,16468:5.0,6075:5.0,3295:5.0,4177:5.0,6267:5.0,3637:5.0,4620:5.0,4344:5.0,1189:5.0]
15      [10199:5.0,180:5.0,7722:5.0,7684:5.0,3281:5.0,18349:5.0,19715:5.0,10212:5.0,13544:5.0,13517:5.0]
16      [9406:5.0,19185:5.0,15019:5.0,4708:5.0,14244:5.0,9778:5.0,5444:5.0,1925:5.0,5568:5.0,15664:5.0]
17      [17349:5.0,2665:5.0,2565:5.0,18053:5.0,2489:5.0,6308:5.0,2470:5.0,8941:5.0,2959:5.0,2457:5.0]
18      [14841:5.0,7721:5.0,1969:5.0,11501:5.0,10028:5.0,6653:5.0,504:5.0,4873:5.0,12254:5.0,1000:5.0]
19      [8657:5.0,3315:5.0,18896:5.0,10786:5.0,10334:5.0,5670:5.0,4591:5.0,2946:5.0,2049:5.0,4016:5.0]
20      [10390:5.0,13986:5.0,16931:5.0,8973:5.0,3959:5.0,4917:5.0,8398:5.0,5220:5.0,13010:5.0,5929:5.0]


Here you can see the 10 recommended movies for each user.




 (click to enlarge) 


A big issue that I was facing during the tests is the small amount of RAM on the Galileo boards.

As a result, this error occurred very often during the tests:

java.lang.Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$Job.runTasks(

at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


In a Hadoop cluster, it is important to balance the usage of memory (RAM), processors (CPU cores) and disks so that processing is not constrained by any one of these resources. As a general recommendation, allowing for two Containers per disk and per core gives the best balance for cluster utilization.

When determining the appropriate MapReduce memory configurations for a cluster node, start with the available hardware resources. Specifically, note the following values on each node:

RAM (Amount of memory)

CORES (Number of CPU cores)

DISKS (Number of disks)


A detailed tutorial on how to configure the resource usage can be found at this article:

Determine HDP Memory Configuration Settings



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