The SALUS project aims to provide a citizen-centered health platform that can be used in cross-border regions within Europe. Cross-border regions are defined as areas where social and economic exchange occurs across national borders.

Photo from a work group meeting (f.l.t.r.) Ivan Chorbev, Elma Zanaj, Arian Boci, George E. Dafoulas, Panagiotis Bamidis, Polina Mihova and Ralf Seepold
This first meeting in the region was held at the Faculty of Computer Science and Computer Engineering of the Saints Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. The core group identified basic needs and future directions for cooperation and joint proposal submission in the Western Balkan region and the neighbouring countries.
The SALUS project does not have a pre-defined topic or group focus, i.e., apart from the reference to the digitalization of health, no fixed topics or even target groups are promoted in advance.
The objectives are:
- Establishment or expansion of national or regional networks
- International networking and definition of common goals
- Design and develop citizen-centered health platforms
- Submission of project proposals
In order to achieve the objectives mentioned above, the regional networks, together with the cross-border cooperation partners and the resulting clusters, determine the specific topic and the necessary partners and target groups. The experience already gained shows that preconditions that are too narrow do not consider the heterogeneous situation of the countries, which have only had a few cooperation projects to date.
(This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research contract no: 01DS23010)