Prof. Dr. Massimo ContiVisiting Professor
Prof. Dr. Massimo Conti is associate Professor at the Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione (DII), Ancona, Italy. He graduated in electronics engineering from the University of Ancona, Italy, in 1987. His research activity in the field of Microelectronics is mainly devoted to System Level Design of low power Integrated Circuits, electronic smart systems for Ambient Assisted Living, design of energy harvesting systems, Battery Management Systems and Vehicle to grid Connection, NFC for food traceability. Coauthor of more than 228 papers on Int. Books, Journals or Conferences. Scopus: 166 pubs, 946 citations, h-index: 15. Coordinator of European and National research projects. Editor of 7 International Books. Lead Guest Editor of special issue of International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems. General Chairman of 7 International Conferences.
Further information on www.univpm.it/massimo.conti