Prof. Dr. Ralf Seepold

Prof. Dr. Ralf Seepold
+49 7531 – 206 633

Prof. Dr. Ralf E.D. Seepold is Chair for Ubiquitous Computing at HTWG Konstanz (Germany).

Ralf obtained his MSc in Computer Engineering from the University of Paderborn (Germany) and his Ph.D. from the University of Tübingen (Germany). He worked as Department Manager at the Computer Science Research Center (FZI) in Karlsruhe (Germany) an Associate Professor for Telecommunication Engineering and Telematics at the University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain).

Ralf is Director of the Ubiquitous Computing Laboratory at HTWG. The lab’s main research lines are: Biomedical Computing, Mobile Computing, Smart Home & Living and Automotive Computing. 

He is contributor to several roadmaps like the cluster initiative for Smart Home & Living. He is elected Topic Group Leader of the working group on ‘Modularity’ and Advisory Board Member of the Smart Home & Living Society. As coordinator and principal researcher he launched several telemedicine projects on integrated eHealth and eCare services for residential infrastructures. He is organizer of the German-Russian Summer School and he has given Lectures at the IEEE EMBS Summer School on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Telemedicine, in the Smart Healthcare Master at the University of Girona or for example at the doctoral course of the University of Seville. Furthermore, Ralf pushed projects on intelligent middleware and advanced services also in automotive environments and multi media service delivery as well as on embedded real time system development.

Ralf is author and co-author of several publications and books, reviewer for EU programs and for research projects, coordinator of several ERASMUS agreements and other bilateral research and PhD-cooperation agreements on international level. Ralf severed as Chair, Steering and Program Committee member, Session organizer, Session chair and member of the review team for many national and international conferences and workshops as well as professor for international summer schools.