Research Projects

  • Medical Summer School 2024

    Medical Summer School 2024

    Telemedical Care Pharmacy and AI Integration in Advancing Digital Health 2-6 September 2024, Sarajevo “Pharmacy and AI Integration in Advancing Digital Health” summer school is a dynamic and forward-thinking educational initiative designed to empower the next generation of healthcare innovators. Over the course of one intensive week, participants will embark on a transformative journey at…

  • Publications

    2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000-1994

  • Morpheus – Non-invasive system for measuring sleep

    (Link to page) The Project aims to monitor vital signs during sleep and over long periods in the patient’s home environment by using non-invasive technologies. The system developed includes the software and hardware needed to collect data relevant to sleep automatically. The system would provide recommendations (e.g., Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) and the…

  • SLaH – Sleep Lab at Home

    This project aims to qualitatively and quantitatively improve outpatient sleep apnea diagnostics in a home environment. The project work covers the development of the hardware and the necessary SW platform. Furthermore, a portal’s development, including administration, accesses, certificates, filing structures, and communication models, is provided. The system to be developed should enable a medically accurate…

  • Competence centre for market and business processes (KomZet)

    KomZet will cover the central aspects of developing the Smart-Home & Living market in Baden-Württemberg for the relevant market partners. It will promote the introduction of Smart-Home & Living solutions in all regions and among the essential target groups. A central obstacle to the spread of Smart Home & Living solutions lies in the lack…

  • Barrier-free tourism area Lake Constance

    The IBH Living Lab AAL deals with the removal of barriers in the use of Assistive technologies and services by people with assistance needs to keep them as possible can live independently and autonomously in the Lake Constance region for a long time. The Bodensee area is but not only an important living and economic…

  • Home Health Living Lab

    The Home Health Living Lab (HHLL) – aims to be a guideline to develop sustainable home health services. This goal is achieved in phases, each of which defines intermediate goals. The first phase aims to identify barriers and develop a requirements analysis. The second phase aims to create the concept of HHLLs and to identify…

  • Heart surface evaluation with multi-channel electrocardiographic monitoring

    The electrocardiographic method of heart investigation is one of the most common in cardiology. It is important to extract additional information on the electrical activity of the heart, using data from multichannel electrocardiographic leads, that include both recorded electrocardiosignals (ECS) and the coordinates of the electrodes placed on the surface of the human torso. In…